Somos una Casa Hogar cuyo objetivo es brindar a las niñas de la Ciudad de México en riesgo de violencia, callejerismo y adicciones, un servicio de apoyo integral en educación, salud, formación y recuperación emocional para transformarse en ciudadanas que contribuyan a su familia, comunidad y país.
Nuestro modelo de atención es único en México

Conoce a las personas que hacen posible nuestra labor
Cordinadora Externa
Preparación de alimentos
Promoción, Difusión y Procuración de Fondos
Cuidadora Nocturna
Coordinadora Interna

Our Work
Our mission is to transform the lives of girls in Mexico City thru love and well-rounded education. This change benefits our girls, their immediate environment, and society as a whole, with strong, confident women making an impact in our community.
In Mexico, migration, poverty, and lack of education create an extremely dangerous place for women. Our program goes straight to the root of the problem. Since 1998, we have changed the lives of over 300 girls and their families, making an impact far beyond the girls.
Our girls arrive on Monday morning and spend the week at Casa Hogar. We are their home and provide a loving and nurturing environment with the most intensive and progressive program in Mexico City. When they leave Friday, they take their experiences back to their family units and slowly, but inevitably, change happens.
Physical and emotional health
In a country that counts as one of the highest obesity rates, we are a beacon of hope. With the help of a nutritionist, we provide 3 balanced meals per day and instill good habits for life. It is amazing for our girls to see that they have better meals than their school peers, who live at home.
We learn to develop a healthy lifestyle and how this can prevent the primary cause of deaths in Mexico, such as diabetes and heart disease.
Our girls have an active schedule: football, martial arts, and other sports are integrated into our routine. We all know that this develops healthy habits, but also discipline, self-esteem, and teaches them how to work as a team and cheer for one and other. Regular visits to the pediatrician, dentist, eye doctor gynecologist are part of what our girls receive.
When they first arrive, many girls have been subject to traumatic experiences ranging from the loss of a parent, sexual, and physical violence. Our dedicated team of psychologists work with them and allow for Casa Hogar to become a respectful, compassionate, and responsible home. When they go back home, they start taking back this new perspective and helps restore balance to their homes. In cases where there is violence at home, we get involved. We are committed to instilling a life free of alcohol and drug abuse as well as a safe sexual life. We are proud to report that our graduates have kept this commitment.
Girl's Education
They attend our local public school, and we keep a close relationship with all their teachers. It doesn't end there: we provide computers, English classes, and support, just like your kids have at home! Sadly, their school peers do not have this good fortune. The girls are supported and encouraged. Homework study halls that ultimately aims at enabling them to pass their entrance exam to high school. If higher education is on their minds, we are there to mentor and prepare them to achieve their highest level of dreams.
As Marjorie Wurts would have wanted it, being stewards for the planet is part of our way of life. From an appreciation and care of nature through our recycling and gardening programs to art as a way to transform their emotions, our girls learn to give back.
Parent's education
Our girls' households are all composed of single parents, in some cases, a single grandparent. Weekly parenting lectures, focused on building their skills, allows them to become better role models. Many parents have other older children that benefit from our focused parent workshops and access to support.
The generosity of our founding patron allowed us to purchase a home that can house up to 32 girls. Currently, we have 29 interns and 8-day students.
Your donation makes an enormous impact. For only $350 US, we can provide all of this to one girl for one month. When you consider this $ 155,400 US fully funds our entire operation for one year. Change can happen, it is within our reach.
All levels of donation change our lives. Thank you for being a part of the solution.
$175: 15 days of girl's expenses
$350: One month of girl's expenses
$2,100: Six months of girl's expenses
$4,200: Twelve months of girl's expenses
Donations can be made at www.casahogarmargarita.org
Paypal: casayhogarmargarita.com
Tax-deductible receipts for the US and Canada via Fundación Educa.
"How I would have loved that my two older children could have been at Casa Hogar. Now that Albita graduated high school and is continuing her studiesm], this will make a dramatic difference in her life. Her siblings didn't even finish middle school."
Rosalba Serna - Albita's mom
"When Elias arrived at school, we thought he had a developmental issue. The attention, love, and care Casa Hogar has given him have made him one of our top-class students and swimming champion! We only wish that all the students could have this kind of support."
Speech Therapist at Elias' Primary School